Division of Infectious Diseases
The Division of Infectious Diseases is committed to excellence in the areas of patient care, and education in an academic environment dedicated to discovery through basic research and clinical investigation.
Fast Facts Heading link
1,200 Active patients served through UI Health Community Clinic Network
100 % Board passing rate for the past 10 years
1,987 In 1978 University of Illinois Chicago Infectious Diseases Fellowship Training Program was accredited by the ACGME

Fellowship Program Heading link
The Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program at UIC is dedicated to providing excellent clinical training and broad opportunities for scholarly activity to our fellows. Our goal is to train outstanding clinicians, teachers and researchers. Our trainees should provide compassionate and comprehensive care for patients with a wide variety of infectious diseases, develop the skills of professionalism to become well-regarded colleagues and consultants, and practice evidence-based medicine.
R&P Heading link
The Division of Infectious Diseases faculty have specific areas of clinical and basic research expertise that provide a spectrum of collaborative interactions with faculty throughout the University of Illinois. We have a strong research focus on HIV and infection control.
Patient Care
The Division of Infectious Diseases at UI Health diagnoses and treats infection-related medical and surgical conditions and diseases, working closely with the medical team to develop a personalized plan of care for our patients.
Clinical Programs Heading link
HIV/AIDS Community Care Network
Founded by Dr. Richard Novak, this network has been providing high quality medical care for patients with HIV and AIDS since 1989. The network consists of 7 primary care clinic sites funded by the Ryan White Parts A, B, C & D to provide comprehensive medical care and mental health services to about 850 active patients, drawing primarily from 25 Community Areas.
We provide telemedicine HIV and hepatitis C care for inmates in the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC). This program continues to transform care provided to IDOC inmates and serves to revolutionize care on a national basis for prison inmates.
Infectious Diseases
We treat the full range of infectious diseases. Our physicians are continuously in contact with local, national, and international public health experts, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta to stay up-to-date and to share information about the latest research and therapies.